Clouds by Felt Zine

Generative Animation System for Digital Art Collection

Generative 3D animation network in TouchDesigner, utilizing alembic recording and boids-like simulations

Creative Director


Additional Production

Dev Moore

Josh Parsons, Alyssa Kalbus, Fab Foolie, Micah Carrol

Mark DigitalHD, Hawn Diego Reyes

Clouds by Felt Zine is an experimental 3D cloud-based project featuring 100 unique artworks exploring the gamification of modern life, nostalgia for physical reality, and video games. For this, a specialized tool in TouchDesigner was developed to generate diverse flocking movements inspired by the patterns of birds.

This network empowers users with control over parameters such as speed, spread, direction, and position, while also facilitating intricate manipulation of random generation patterns through various levels of noise. It’s very adaptable and could be reused to host various kinds of 3D models, and could be further built upon to generate other life-like movements.